Para-Real E02: We Are Here Because of Those Who Are Not: Claiming the Para Real

The Para-Real: Finding the Future in Unexpected Places // EPISODE 2
The Para-Real mirrors real world politics into digital spaces, amplified by hardware costs, supply chain injustices and connectivity access. Though celebrated as a refuge for the weird, the 1990s digital culture overwhelmingly favoured a demographic with the material means and luxury of time to immerse themselves in it. The result of this historical lack of access is a homogeneous digital culture with narrow definitions of identity, aesthetics and functionality.

Through reflection on their trailblazing work and experiences as an artist, Danielle Braithwaite-Shirley details the shortfalls of today's digital identity systems, the missing voices from early digital culture, and the unexpected outcomes when game engines, creative tools and hardware are liberated from class barriers and become universally accessible.

30 May 2021 Video Video production, Livestream [New Design Congress]🡥 [ReclaimFutures]🡥 Danielle Braithwaite-Shirley🡥 Cade Diehm🡥